

What is Tinnitus?

Have you ever heard a ringing noise that just won't stop? Tinnitus is like this for some people. It can vary in loudness and intensity while being either constant or intermittent. This perception of sound when there's no external source can be mildly annoying and disruptive for some, but others find it debilitating to their daily lives - even more so than actual ear infections or other forms of hearing loss.
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Causes of Tinnitus

While the exact cause of tinnitus is not fully understood, there are certain contributing factors associated with it. People can experience tinnitus after exposure to loud noise for prolonged periods of time, such as attending concerts or working in a noisy environment without adequate protection.

Other potential causes include ear infections and blocked sinuses, though these are relatively rare. Certain medications may also lead to tinnitus as a side effect. In addition to potentially causing tinnitus itself, some of these medications can also make existing tinnitus worse by making the body more sensitive to sound overall. Finally, age-related hearing loss is another contributing factor since people tend to become less tolerant of loud noises as they get older. Understanding the potential triggers and possible causes of tinnitus can help you and your hearing specialist to take preventive measures in managing the symptoms and effects. At HEAR4U, we have the expertise and experience in treating many patients who suffer with tinnitus, providing the stimulus and information patients need to cope with this condition.

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What are the Available Options for Treatment?

Despite the absence of a real cure for tinnitus, there are many treatment options available to lessen its impact on your everyday life. For instance, sound therapy may be beneficial as listening to gentle background music or white noise can help mask interfering sounds. Similarly, tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is an effective way to reduce discomfort by helping you become less aware of your own inner sounds. Additionally, biofeedback and behavior modification techniques may be used to teach you relaxation strategies to enhance your coping mechanisms.  Ultimately, with the help of our qualified hearing-health professionals and individualized treatment plans, you can alleviate suffering from tinnitus and return to living full and productive lives.
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Don't wait for hearing loss to affect your happiness and well-being. You cannot regain the hearing you once had if it progresses, but you can protect and improve the hearing you have now. We can help! Schedule an appointment with us today and stop hearing loss in its tracks!
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